RHEMA and CTC, our theme for this year is “Fresh Start; There’s More from God and More From Me in 2024.” The basis for this theme is two-fold. First, March 25, 2023, begins the eighth year that we have been at the Warehouse. The number “8” in most theological circles refers to “new beginnings.” The thought is that if the number “7,” is the number of completion (the days of creation) then what comes next is a new beginning. At Rhema we declare that we are entering a season of newness and growth in every area of ministry as we enter our new beginning.
Second, the focus verses listed above found in the Gospel of John serve as a major basis for this year’s theme. In John Chapter 5, Jesus heals the man who has been suffering from an infirmity for 38 years and is lying by the pool of the Bethesda. In Chapter 8, Jesus spares the life of a woman caught in adultery. In both passages we have individuals that have sin issues. Instead of condemning them, Jesus gives an opportunity for them to live life abundantly by giving them this warning: sin no more.
The point I want us to comprehend is that every day that we are alive, we are given an opportunity to excel in every area of our lives. The question is this: Are we ready to stop wasting the precious time that Christ keeps giving us? Are we ready to stop taking tomorrow for granted? We have family relationships that need mending, books that need to be written, songs that must be recorded, finances that must be set in order, certifications obtained, and hearts that need to be reunited with Christ. Jesus literally keeps giving us a Fresh Start and it is time to take advantage of this Grace.
This year we will take advantage of the Fresh Start. We are always expecting God to do more in our lives, but in 2024, we will also do more.
Each month we have a topic, and area of our life, where we will declare and act upon our Fresh Start. The topics are as follows: January (Finances); February (Prayer); March (The Word); April (Family); May (Wellness); June (Relationships); July (Goals); August (Estate Planning); September (Career Planning); October (Mentoring); November (Blessing Others); and December (Relaxation).
To prepare us for this new year we will participate in the 12 Days of Meditation. These daily meditations place us in the right mindset to embrace our overall theme. Over the next 12 days we will meditate and analyze the Grace of God present in the selected passages of scripture. The 12 days are broken into three sections: (1) Acknowledgement; (2) Judgement; and (3) Fresh Start: Grace and Mercy. Be prepared to take advantage of God’s Grace in 2024.
As a critical part of the 12 Days of Meditation, I want us to do the following 5 things that are healthy habits that we should follow throughout the year: (1) Give God sincere Prayer time; (2) Determine and write down major goals that must be accomplished this year; (3) Begin healthy lifestyle changes by: exercising at least 3 times per week, completing all meals by 8:00 pm, drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day, fasting until 12 Noon on Tuesdays and Fridays, and eating plenty of vegetables and fruit each day; (4) Study the Word of the Lord; and, (5) Commit to Giving to the Lord (Tithing, Offering (First Fruits) and Community Service). For your healthy eating plan follow this principle: Eliminate, Add, and Substitute. I know that as we get through these 12 Days and this entire year together, we will come out stronger and will accomplish magnificent work.
I am so excited to announce that the following Rhema Yes Scholars/YFH Alumnae will serve as contributing writers for several of the 12 Days of Meditation: Deborah Lynn Parker, Brittany Kincaid (Day 5}, Rodney R. Jackson, Jr., and Jeanniece L.L. Jackson. Let us get ready to grow stronger in Christ and accomplish great goals.