Bible Scripture Study >

12 Days of Meditation - Day 6: "The Righteous Judge"

January 6, 2024, 12:00 AM

Day 6

“The Righteous Judge”

Read John 5:9-16

By: Pastor ATP, Esq.,


There are consequences for sin and poor decision-making in general. The way to lessen the severity of the consequences is by learning from our mistakes and making positive changes. There are times that our poor decisions leave us at the mercy of those who are in authority over us. Those of us who are in positions of authority must take to heart how we decide to execute any punishment that results from our judgment.


Those in authority should consider these questions before issuing punishment. Is this punishment necessary? Is the punishment too severe? Does this punishment deter unapproved behavior and promote rehabilitation? Is this punishment justice or vengeance? Am I worthy to sit in judgment and issue punishment?


It is obvious that the Jews referred to in the focus verses for today did not consider any of these questions. Their main concern was the law; that it was being broken. Read these verses very carefully. The man had an infirmity for 38 years and after one encounter with Jesus he was healed and made whole. There is no rejoicing over his healing there is only intensive questioning as to why he was carrying his bed on the sabbath. They skipped over the fact that he was walking and looked straight at the bed.


We can never become so ingrained in tradition that we become robotic followers of tradition. The questioners showed no regard for the man or his miracle they only were concerned that he was carrying his bed. The fact that he could carry what he had been laying upon should cause any believers to rejoice, but you cannot rejoice when how things should be done is more important than what God is doing.


Jesus is persecuted instead of worshipped for healing the man. It appears that they would rather the man suffer with his infirmity another day than to be healed on the sabbath.


They stand as people in authority to judge and ready to issue punishment. Is this punishment necessary? Is the punishment too severe? Does punishment deter behavior and promote rehabilitation? Is this punishment justice or vengeance? Am I worthy to sit in judgment and issue punishment? This punishment is not necessary; a man has been healed. Therefore, the punishment is too severe and there is no need to deter miraculous power. This is all about jealousy and vengeance. Lastly, these folks are not worthy to sit in judgement of Jesus, the Word of God.


Today we are to be thankful that the final say in all matters is Jesus and He is a righteous judge. His main concern is our general welfare. Jesus knew it was the sabbath and He is the one who told the man to carry his bed on the sabbath. Jesus was more concerned about him learning how to carry what used to hold him than the fact that it was the sabbath. These are the hands that we should seek to be in; the hands of a God who will correct while making our wholeness is His priority.


Let this be our prayer: “Lord, please keep me in your hands.”